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Aviators Defend Under Threat Northumberland Helicopter Pad
Published 07/02/07
Aviation enthusiasts from across the world have rallied to the defense of the under fire Elwood HLS helicopter landing facility after a petition to close it was announced. opened the debate about the facility back in October 2005 after a number of troubled residents emailed their views about the disruption caused to village life.

Petition Launched

Aviation site first announced the existence of a petition to close the Northumberland helicopter pad on 11th January 2007. A website user sparked the fight back after allegedly learning of the petition from the owner of the Elwood HLS helicopter landing facility.

Fight to Save Elwood

Since the petition was announced, has received hundreds of votes in favor of the landing pad from all corners of the globe. Aviation enthusiasts from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America have logged on to have their say in the debate. There are now 714 votes in favor of the landing site, with only 46 votes against.

The emotive debate sparked outrage at rival site and the aviation fraternity suggested many arguments why the Elwood HLS facility should be retained.

The Northumberland helicopter pad is allegedly used by world leaders, royalty, peers and even former Formula One drivers as well as the the privileged few who can afford to fly helicopters. An open day has been suggested to allay fears within the local community.

Positive reasons in favor of Elwood HLS cited by the lobbyists include:

  • Elwood HLS is a life saver and has saved at least one crew from crashing when the weather took a turn for the worse.
  • The Northumberland helicopter landing pad has put Barrasford on the map, at least for helicopter pilots.
  • The Elwood HLS is good for the local economy.
  • The site is an ideal place for the Northumbria Air Ambulance to land and refuel.
  • Robin and Joan, who run the facility, make the best bacon sandwiches and flapjacks in aviation.
  • Royal Air Force fast jets have flown over the area for decades, causing much more noise that the dozens of choppers who fly out of Elwood each week.
  • Safety concerns are unfounded due to the type of fuel stored there and the huge amounts of foam on hand to douse any potential fire risk.

Barrasford Residents Criticized

A minority of aviation lobbyists saw the debate as an opportunity to criticize Barrasford. One voter regards our village as a 'decaying dump', and many voted several times after instructions on how to hijack the vote were posted on the flying forums. A 'robot' has even been used to hijack the vote.

The NIMBY attitude of those against the site was criticized, without taking time to consider the impact on the community.

A significant number of those in favor of Elwood HLS have never visited it. This was evident from comments about it being the ideal place for the Air Ambulance to land. This is the least densely populated area in England and it is more difficult to find areas where it cannot land! Another voter questioned residents attitude to the soon to open railway line which in fact closed in 1958. Few flyers have been tempted in to Barrasford Shop as yet, and it is unknown which other aspects of the local economy really benefit.

A Local Success Story

Even disgruntled residents must surely stand back and admire the way this local success story has drawn on support from across the world to highlight a hitherto unsaid aspect to this debate. Regardless of it's future, it is great to see a Barrasford business draw in clients from far afield and earn such healthy respect and affection.

I for one look forward to the upcoming open day at Elwood, not only to experience the facility at close quarters, but also to sample the world famous bacon butties and flapjacks. If the open day fails to take place it may even be worth trampolining over the fence to sample this renowned Northumbrian fayre, although this may not be sufficient to qualify as a member of the closed knit aviation community!

The Real Community Debate

This debate is truly put in to context when one compares it to the uncertain future surrounding Barrasford Village Hall. This real community asset plays host to the local playgroup and other essential community events but is under threat due to a lack of funding.

For the price of one helicopter this true community asset would be rebuilt and secured for generations to come. It would be great to see some of the flyers help out with this important cause to the benefit of all with an interest in the village of Barrasford. That would surely be a benefit nobody could argue against.

The Barrasford Elwood HLS debate will roll on so whatever your view on this Northumberland helicopter pad, please contact us.


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